MACSEP manufactures and distributes its own proprietary range of small oil separators (the MACSEP range). There are currently four models which range in range in size from 1,500 litres/hour to 6,000 litres/hour.
The MACSEP range of oil separators have been specifically designed to meet the requirements of the power industry in New Zealand and in particular to treat oil contaminated storm water which collects in transformer bunded areas at substations and small power stations. The MACSEP range of small oil separators have three (3) levels of protection to prevent oil entering the environment in the case of a major oil spillage.
The MACSEP range of small oil separators have also been used in other industrial applications where oil contaminated waste water was an issue.
Our small oily water separators are a “plug and play” solution.
The MACSEP range of small oil water separators were first introduced in early 2009 and replaced earlier models of small oil water separators sourced from Australia.
Current MACSEP range:
Model |
Design Flow Rate |
No. of Plate Packs |
MACSEP-1500 |
1500 l/h |
2 |
MACSEP-3000 |
3000 l/h |
4 |
MACSEP-4500 |
4500 l/h |
6 |
MACSEP-6000 |
6000 l/h |
8 |
The standard material of construction for the oil separator is 304/2B stainless steel. If the oil separator is to be located in a corrosive environment (eg location subject to wind blown sea spray or geothermal activity) or subject to high chlorides in the influent then an alternative grade of stainless steel such as SS 316 or SS 2205 should be considered.
MACSEP can supply a range of ancillaries for use with these units including :

Twizel Substation, Otago, New Zealand

Substation Otago, New Zealand